Material flow analysis plastics in Germany 2021: Facts and figures on the life cycle of plastics
Study: Material Flow Analysis Plastics in Germany 2021
Published in 2022. 121 pages. Price 400,- Euro (plus VAT).
In addition to data on the production and converting of plastics in Germany, the study also offers facts and figures on the production and use of recycled materials. The underlying survey is carried out every two years and has for years attracted a great deal of attention and acceptance in both the public and economic spheres. The current data indicate that in 2021 the use of recycled plastics has remained stable. Furthermore, this study is associated with two innovations: Firstly, in line with current developments and discussions, plastic waste from manufacturing and converting was considered and reported separately. Secondly, the new calculation method for the recycling of post-consumer waste was taken into account in addition to the conventional method. The decisive calculation point for the recycling quantities in the new approach now refers to the last compounding and processing step of the prepared plastic waste. The conventional method considers the input into a recycling plant.
The 44-page summary of the results (abridged version) can be downloaded here free of charge:
Abstract English
The detailed study (long version, only in German) can be ordered via the shopping cart: