VCI provides information about digital product passport

On its website, the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) provides an overview of the current state of affairs.
The digital product passport (DPP) will become mandatory in the EU from 2027 as part of the “Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation” (ESPR), which officially came into force on July 18, 2024. According to the VCI, the chemical industry and in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are severely affected by the regulation. In the future, every product that falls within the scope of the ESPR must have a DPP – otherwise it may not be placed on the European market, according to information on the VCI website. The regulation affected both products for consumers, such as paints, varnishes or textiles, and intermediate products for industrial companies, such as iron and steel or chemicals. The ESPR is intended to ensure the best possible recycling of materials, while also taking into account aspects such as reparability and product durability. On its website, the VCI provides information for affected parties about the DPP. Among other things, it explains the concept of the DPP as a digital “ID card” for products, what information the DPP contains and how the labeling of products is to be implemented. The VCI website also provides information on the status of the European Commission's work to implement the DPP: the preparation of around 30 delegated acts for various product groups is reportedly in full swing. According to its association, the chemical industry sees itself affected by many of these legal acts due to its wide range of products. In particular, small and medium-sized companies would be faced with major challenges due to the information requirements.
- VCI Branchenticker (11.10.2024)
- Picture: © VCI