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UBA single-use plastics fund: manufacturers to pay in from 2025 onwards

This is how the German government plans to do it, according to draft legislation it has submitted to the EU Commission.

The draft single-use plastics law to implement extended producer responsibility under the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive has been submitted to Brussels for notification, Euwid reports. It aims to require manufacturers and distributors of certain single-use plastic products to bear the costs associated with littering and disposal of these products. The products affected are single-use plastic products such as to-go food packaging, beverage containers and cups, drinking straws and balloons. In contrast to an earlier draft bill, manufacturers and distributors of these plastic products are not to pay into the fund administered by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) as early as 2024, but one year later, at the beginning of 2025. From 2024, they will have to register with the UBA for this purpose and report there annually the type and quantity of single-use plastic products they place on the market. The draft legislation also provides for the levy of a charge, albeit a smaller one, on beverage containers with deposit.


  • (July 26, 2022)
  • Photo: ©, (agenlaku, idonesia)

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