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Landbell is working with RecyClass to increase recyclability

The online tool is designed to provide Landbell customers with a stable basis for introducing recyclable packaging to the European market.

The online tool RecyClass is said to provide a standardised methodology for assessing the recyclability of plastic packaging. According to Landbell, RecyClass Design for Recycling guidelines are created based on data collected through standardised testing and provide packaging developers with recommendations on how to improve their packaging solutions for recyclability. Landbell customers can now use this online tool free of charge thanks to the new cooperation between the dual system and RecyClass, a non-profit, cross-industry initiative to promote the recyclability of plastic packaging. The Landbell Group, which, according to its own information, is present in 14 countries in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, Africa) with 36 producer responsibility organisations, points out the upcoming requirements of the EU Packaging Regulation PPWR with regard to design for recycling. The RecyClass online tool was a helpful evaluation tool for this, which applies not only to the German market. Rather, it is said to offer a stable basis for the introduction of recyclable packaging to the European market with country-specific information on collection, sorting and recycling infrastructures for each type of packaging.

  • Press release Landbell (4.12.2024)
  • Euwid Recycling und Entsorgung (10.12.2024)
  • Graphic: © Landbell

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