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Alba Group to be split up

Owners Eric and Axel Schweitzer are dividing the company between themselves. Asian business and plastics recycling are to go to Axel Schweitzer.

As recently announced by the family-owned company run by brothers Eric and Axel Schweitzer, Germany's third-largest waste management company after Remondis and Veolia is to be split into two halves. According to the two brothers, the reorganization that has now been carried out is in line with their main areas of focus, and they want to continue to exploit synergy effects as "truly fraternized" companies. To be divided is a group with two billion euros in sales. Provided the Federal Cartel Office approves, Eric Schweitzer (in the picture on the right) is to take over the parent company Alba Group plc & Co. KG, and in return his brother Axel (in the picture on the left) will receive a 100 percent stake in the subsidiary Alba Group Asia, which was founded a few weeks ago and is now to be spun off. According to Alba, the activities in Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Japan are combined in this subsidiary. The group's plastics recycling operations will also be transferred to Axel Schweitzer, according to the company. The background to the reorganization are said to be the challenges that have grown in recent years in the markets in which the companies operate under the Alba and Interseroh brands. For example, competition in the waste management and recycling business as well as in steel and metals recycling would have become even more intense, and the packaging licensing market was undergoing a strategic transformation.



  •, (23.7.2021)
  • Photo: © Alba

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