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Roland Roth re-elected as GKV President

The delegates' meeting of the GKV unanimously confirmed Roth in his office as president.


On June 23, the delegates' assembly of the German Association of Plastics Converters (GKV e.v.) voted on the new president of the association and re-elected the previous officeholder. Roland Roth was pleased about the unanimous election and the continuation of the cooperation with Managing Director Julia Große-Wilde, who had started working for the GKV at the beginning of the year. After his re-election, Roth addressed the challenges currently still facing the industry, namely the shortage of raw materials and price increases. Recycling management, digitalization and climate protection are also central topics of his commitment, but he will pay particular attention to improving the public perception of plastics, he emphasized. In this respect, he welcomed the communication initiative that GKV, PlasticsEurope Deutschland and the VDMA Plastics and Rubber Machinery Association are currently jointly developing and promoting. Guest speaker Dr. Anton Hofreiter, chairman of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group, highlighted the existential threat posed by global warming in his presentation with an outlook on the upcoming Bundestag elections and emphasized the contribution of the plastics processing industry to achieving the climate targets.



  • (6.7.2021)
  • (8.7.2021)
  • Photo: © GKV

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