The app is said to be available in all Austrian provinces since the beginning of July.
The RecycleMe app is intended to create incentives for consumers to act in an environmentally friendly manner. The app, which had been tested in Vienna for almost a year and a half and is intended to raise awareness among the population for the proper separation of waste, was developed by RecycleMe GmbH. With the nationwide rollout, RecycelMe says all Austrians can now use the app to collect their empty plastic, aluminum and beverage carton packaging and be rewarded for recycling it properly. Empty packaging can be scanned with the app, assigned to the correct recycling garbage can and disposed of in the designated garbage cans or the yellow bag, is said. Users thus collect points and can win rewards. The background to the app is that around 150,000 tons of plastic, aluminum and beverage carton packaging end up in Austria's residual waste each year or are partially littered. In addition, according to Greenpeace, Austria produces 24 percent more plastic waste than the European average. Representatives of partner companies also took part in the preparations for the rollout of the app (pictured from left to right): Barbara Gur (Sustainability Manager Henkel Beauty Care Consumer Austria), Markus Schwarzenbacher (Managing Director Espara GmbH), Isabelle Haslinger (Sustainability Manager Henkel Laundry and Homecare Austria), Gottfried Bieglmayer (Managing Director Reclay Systems), Mark Joainig (Director Corporate Affairs & Sustainability Coca-Cola HBC Austria), Thomas Parkfrieder, Managing Director Eckes- Granini Austria GmbH), Ines Kilnhofer (Head of Marketing of the RecycleMich Initiative).