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High recycling rate for industrial EPS packaging and construction waste

According to a new Conversio study, 39 per cent of industrial EPS packaging and almost two-thirds of EPS construction waste was recycled in 2021.

The study, commissioned by the Industrieverband Hartschaum (IVH) from Conversio Market & Strategy GmbH, provides a comprehensive analysis of the production, recycling and waste streams of expanded polystyrene rigid foam (EPS) in Germany, according to the association. According to the survey, a total of 70,000 tonnes of EPS packaging waste was generated in 2021, of which 31,000 tonnes came from household waste and 39,000 tonnes from industrial and commercial waste streams. According to the study, the recycling rate for EPS packaging waste from industry and commerce is 83 per cent. This waste comes mainly from sales packaging for technical equipment and furniture. Of the approximately 28,000 tonnes of EPS packaging subject to system participation, 57 per cent was collected separately, according to the study, with about half of that collected via the LVP collection. According to the information provided, only 6 per cent (2,000 tonnes) of EPS packaging from household waste was recycled, as this is often not collected via the LVP collection system, but rather sorted and taken to recycling centres. It is also pointed out that the ‘Guidance on Measuring Recyclability’ of the Central Packaging Register (ZSVR) does not classify EPS as recyclable.
As for the recycling of EPS construction waste, the study found a rate of 65.8 per cent for 2021. This has significantly reduced the use of new raw materials, according to a press release from the Industrial Association for Rigid Foam (Industrieverband Hartschaum e. V. (IHV)). This would save around 16,900 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, which is aid to be about the same amount that 7,250 small cars each travelling 20,000 km a year consume or 1.35 million trees could bind in a year.
According to the study, between 3 and 4 per cent of EPS insulation material is left over during assembly, depending on the application. This waste would either be collected by an EPS manufacturer's take-back system or handed over to the local waste disposal company. In 2021, this amounted to 7,900 tonnes, or 3.7 per cent of the total production volume of 216,000 tonnes. The material is then mechanically processed and fed back into the production process as recyclate, it is said.
If only the available EPS insulation waste would be considered for which mechanical recycling is legally permissible, the recycling rate for 2021 is 30.7 per cent. In addition to construction waste, this material also includes waste from the dismantling of loosely laid EPS applications or those that can be easily separated from other component layers.
The IHV points out that comparable recycling rates are not achieved with any other insulation material. However, the study also shows that, despite high annual production volumes, little HBCD-free waste is currently being generated from EPS insulation materials. The flame retardant HBCD has been banned since 2016 and has not been used by leading manufacturers of EPS insulation materials since 2014. The reason for the small amount of HBCD-free EPS insulation waste is said to be the demonstrably long useful life, since EPS insulation materials usually remain in use for the entire lifespan of a house.

  • Press release Industrieverband Hartschaum IVH (28.11.2024)
  • Photo: © IVH

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