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BMUV: Lottermoser responsible for waste management

As part of the reorganization of the BMUV, waste management has been integrated into a new department headed by Susanne Lottermoser.

As Euwid reports, waste management is now part of the newly created department T - "Transformation - Digitalization, Circular Economy, Climate Adaptation." The new head, Ministerial Director Dr. Susanne Lottermoser (pictured left, right Elena Szolgayová, Slovak Ministry of Construction, 2015), comes from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs (BMI), where she was responsible for construction policy and urban development. Lottermoser has also worked at the Federal Environment Ministry, including as office manager for former Environment Minister Jürgen Trittin. The head of the former WR department, Regina Dube, remains at the BMUV, where she has taken over the new W department - "Water Management, Water and Soil Protection, Marine Protection." The subdivision head of the new Division T II "Recycling Management" is Christoph Epping. Andreas Jaron is the head of the department responsible for "General, fundamental and international matters relating to the circular economy, transboundary shipment of waste" and Frank Petersen is responsible for "Law relating to the circular economy and resource protection". Unit T II 3 "Industry-related product responsibility" will be headed by Heike Schroeder-Behrend, while unit T II 4 "Waste management" will remain under the responsibility of Hans-Peter Ewens. Michael Siemann becomes the new head of Unit T II 5 "Avoidance and recycling of packaging waste, recovery of recyclable materials" following the unexpected death of Thomas Schmid-Unterseh on March 30, 2022. In Unit T I "Digitalization, Sustainable Consumption and Product Policy, Resource Conservation," there is reportedly no department head yet. Unit T I 3 "Sustainable consumption, product-related environmental protection" is headed there by Ulf Jaeckel, and Harald Bajorat heads Unit T I 4 "National circular economy strategy, resource efficiency". Head of Unit T I 5 "European and International Resource Efficiency Affairs, Raw Materials Policy" is Inga Wagner.

Further information: to download the new BMUV organizational chart (in German)


  • Euwid Recycling und Entsorgung 17/2022 (April 26, 2022)
  • Photo: © EU/Julien Warnand

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