The investigation by the Cyclos-HTP Institute for Recyclability and Product Stewardship would have shown that PE/PA6-based multilayer films can be certified as recyclable for the polyethylene (PE) film stream. This applied to PA6 contents of up to 30 percent in the original films. BASF says it now wants to use this result as the basis for a review of the classification of PA6 in the "Minimum standard for the assessment of the recyclability of packaging subject to system participation pursuant to Section 21 (3) of the German Packaging Act (VerpackG)" of the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister. Until now, PA6 would have been considered an "incompatible component" in the minimum standard in Annex 3. Now it were time to review this categorization, BASF says. In addition to confirming this recycling compatibility, Cyclos-HTP had also investigated the framework conditions for classifying PE/PA6 multilayer films as fully recyclable materials. This is the case, it said, when the film structures contain a so-called compatibilizer in addition to the PA6 content of up to 30 percent.
-, (21.6.2021)
- KI (23.6.2021)
- Photo: © BASF